Student/Professor Materials |
Here you can download templates for academic business cards, stationery, student ID Cards, and press passes. All the things you need to benefit from your affiliation with Templar University.
All products are free and fully customizable. You'll need either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and modify them, and a color printer to print them. Just replace the dummy text with your own!
Note: Using Acrobat Professional? To modify text fields you must choose the Text selection tool: 
Note: All Materials are password-protected. If you have not already done so, you must send an email with your name to registrar@templaruniversity.com in order to receive a username and password. Don't worry, we will never share your email with anyone else.
Business Cards
Show your pride by handing out business cards everyone will remember you by.

microsoft word
acrobat pdf |
Simple stationery to send off your missives far and wide! 2 sizes.

word-USA lettersize
pdf - USA-lettersize
word-A4 size
pdf - A4 size |
ID Cards
Students and faculty often receive discounts on travel, movies, theater and more.

microsoft word
acrobat pdf |
Press Pass
Represent our fledgling school newspaper, "The Clarion." It should help you get into restricted events.

microsoft word
acrobat pdf
Degree Certificate
Download a high-resolution degree to put on your wall.

microsoft word
acrobat pdf
For best results, make sure to download and install this special free "Diploma" font first: for Mac or PC
c 1998-2005 Templar University